Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sew Powerful Purses #80-91 (2024)

Here are more purses, mostly in browns. To me browns are rather boring, so I do try to add some other colors to the flap. I received a lot of brown fabric donations, so wanted to use them, but I am going to only do more colorful purses now as the girls prefer brighter colors and so do I! 😄 I might have some purse kits in browns that I cut already that could be buried in the large bags that I stack the kits in, so of course I will sew those, but I am not cutting out anything that is not colorful anymore. Perhaps the brown ones will go to the mom's or caregiver of the girls?

Here are 12 more finished purses:

twill ribbon with decorative stitch
There was a white ghost line on the front and back of the purse, so I stitched a decorative stitch on some brown ribbon and sewed it to the purse. It adds a nice contrast and interest, so I may just stitch on more plain ribbons to add a decorative touch, even if I don't need to cover up something😆.

This is the back of the purse.

I love stitching the buttons creating little flowers on them.

The running animals was near the selvage of the fabric had mostly African animals (see the first purse at the very top), so I wanted to use these animals too. I used them in the purse below on the front and this is the little part of the flap seen from the back.

The animals here with the above photo showing them on the back of the flap.

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1 comment:

  1. love the freestyle way you made the blocks and your fancy stitching is a wonderful touch. the girls will love these


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