Friday, June 7, 2024

Sew Powerful Purse #109-111 (2024)

Last year I thought I had sewn up all the flowers and quotes from this panel fabric that I had, to make the purses for the flaps, but I found these 2 in my bag of kits and so I finished them. I think that is the last purses with these flaps (but don't quote me on that)😄!!!

I love these panels, but if they were a bit smaller, I could have used up more scraps of fabric and the top of the panel would be seen from the front instead of the top folding over to the back. I could have not sewn any fabric at the very bottom I suppose too, but I liked to frame the panel with my scraps. I am sure the girls who receive them will be thrilled. 

Two more finished. *Note: I published this post on June 20, 2024, but for some reason Blogger published this with the date of June 7th, 2024 instead, so it got buried in my past posts and no one saw it. Weird! This messed up my count of these purses being numbered out of order in my postings, but I added these to the Sew Powerful Purses page in the correct order. Blogger has been doing some different and strange things lately.😕🤷

under flaps of 2 purses

Under flap of one purse

showing back pocket of purse
Back slip pocket too.

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