Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Sew Powerful Rooster Purses #94-108 / For the Birds Blog Hop

Hello Blog Hoppers! I wanted to join in on this blog hop so that I could make these 15 purses for the Sew Powerful Purse Project that I donate purses to. I had a panel of 15 smaller rooster panels and thought this would be perfect for making these purses and would work For the Birds Blog Hop too! Thanks Joan for being the hostess for this blog hop. It helped me to get these purses made and be able to join the blog hop too.

Here are the rooster purses that I made, including some close up pics of the buttons I sewed and I showed one photo of the back pocket in each of the 4 fabric prints that I used for the body of the purses.

Purses using a green Ultra Suede for the purse body. The green Ultra Suede was donated to me by a sweet woman in my quilt group.

3 under the flap view
Under the flap of the above purses. The other purses are the same, but some lining fabrics vary.

Close up.

3 more purses

closeup of flower sewn buttons
Closeup of flower sewn buttons.

2 more purses

back pocket view on green purse body
Green Ultra Suede fabric showing the back pocket. All 8 purses made with this green Ultra Suede have back pockets and look the same.

closeup of buttons sewn
Button close up.

close up of buttons sewn
Button close up.

back pocket on blue corduroy purse body
This is the back pocket for the blue corduroy fabric I made the above 3 purse bodies with.

2 more purses

close up of buttons
Button close up.

close up of buttons sewn
Button close up.

back pocket of red and gold purse body
Back pocket for the red & gold fabric body print.

2 more purses

close up of sewn buttons
Button close up.

back pocket of black and gold print purse body
Back pocket in the black & gold print fabric purse body.

These purses, along with others I have made will be mailed to Sew Powerful to help the girls in Zambia stay in school when they are in their periods, so they don't miss any school (they cannot make up any school if any days are missed). Once the purses arrive in Zambia, they are filled with reusable pads, underwear, and a bar of laundry soap. Sew Powerful employs women in Zambia to make the reusable pads, bar soap, and school uniforms for the various schools in Zambia. All of this is paid for from generous donations from people like you. There are purse maker volunteers from around the world helping to make theses purses to donate them for this charity. Please feel free to make a purse or 2 or more to donate. All info on the website in the links above. Join our Facebook Group too for lots of inspiration. Thank you!

Thanks to Joan of Moosestash Quilting for being the hostess for this blog hop. Joan created a Pinterest Board for this blog hop too, so you can pop over there and see all the projects at one time (once we all post on our blogs first).

Check out the other Blog Hop Participants~

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  1. Your rooster bags are so pretty and for such a great cause!

  2. Wow, those are really cool. I love how you dressed them up with the buttons as well. The little flower you stitched n some of the buttons are amazing. What a wonderful cause! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Your work on these purse is so inspiring and such a wonderful service. Making them beautiful, like your rooster purses, is a welcome gift, I'm sure. I hopped over and read about the project through your link (thanks for sharing that.) It's always nice to see you in the blog hops, Daryl!

  4. Such cute bags! They are such useful gifts for those girls, but pretty too.

  5. Samantha BurnsideWednesday, June 19, 2024

    Oh, how cute are the rooster flaps! The buttons are what makes it truly pop for me. I'm sure the girls in Zambia will love these!

  6. I love the idea of using the roosters for the bags. Sew Powerful is on my list of charities but so far, sadly i have not found the time to make bags. Did you use their pattern for the bag ?

    1. Denise you are a no-reply comment which means I don't have an email to respond back to you. Yes, you must use the free Sew Powerful purse patterns only because the purses need to all be the same size. You can add extra pockets and get creative and add embellishments to the purses, however no zippers are allowed and no hardware (except for a rivet for extra security for the strap is okay to add). You can make fabric straps or use webbing 1" wide. There is the intermediate style which has 2 different flaps you can make and has a full gusset, or the beginner style with the plain flap and boxed corners. All 3 flaps are interchangeable. I prefer making the beginner flap as I can get more creative with it, but I make the intermediate purse as I prefer making a gusset. You can join the Facebook group for loads of inspiration and ask questions there too. I am one of the experts on the Facebook group. I have written a few tutorials on how to do some things that are in the files in the group too. Join anytime, you don't have to make a purse right away to join the group.

  7. All beautiful purses! They really go well with the bird theme.

  8. Beautiful purses, and what a great cause!

  9. Oh wow! Your purses are gorgeous - I love all the details, from the roosters to the buttons. And such a good cause too.

  10. Some sweet girls are going to be so proud to carry around their stylish new purses because of you! What a wonderful cause and this is one I'll look into.

  11. These are so cool! Love the flower stitched buttons. Such a great cause to be a part of.

  12. Isn't it fun to combine what we love to do and do it for a worthy cause? Love the roosters on the front of the purses. Great job. I'm sure the girls will love the purses.

  13. Thanks for sharing your creativity for a worthy cause! The girls will enjoy their colorful purses.

  14. Daryl this is such a wonderful project for a great purpose. Thanks for the link. I will definetly add it to my list of to do's for 2024. Love your roosters and the great detail you added to the buttons.


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