As they say time flies and holy cow it's been exactly 9 years ago today that I began this journey sharing my creations through this blog of mine. I learned a lot about writing, photography and creating and I am still learning. My goal was to document what I created, since a lot of what I do was given away as gifts and some things later I sold or gave away to charities or thrift shops. All those years before this blog I had taken some photographs, but then that was before I owned a digital camera and before digital cameras had even been invented!
I have had followers come and go over the years, but I have also made a lot of blog friends and enjoy so much having a little chat now and then through email. A lot of bloggers I had followed left blogging for Facebook and Instagram, etc. and I understand that is much faster way of showing their creations and communicating, but I still find it less personal. If you have a bazillion friends on Facebook, you cannot have enough time to keep up with it all either. I only browse on there once in a while. I too have slowed down with visiting blogs I follow. I still might take a peek, but don't always take the time to comment. I know how valuable time is and trying to keep up with everything is impossible. I do need and want time to create after all. :0)

I want to say thank you to everyone who continues to follow my little blog and thank you to anyone who has been a follower in the past (there must have been something here you liked to give following a try), and thank you to my new followers and thank you to those of you who pop in just to take a peek at my blog too. Thank you to those lurkers out there as well, lol!!! I know a lot of you do not follow in any official way and just pop in from time-to-time to see what's new.
I hope I can continue this blog for a few more years. As long as I can still create I would like this blog to continue. It takes time here to post as well as time to create and photograph what I create and as long as I am able to do all that I would like to keep this little old blog going. Thanks for all the lovely comments and encouragement these past 9 years. Cheers! And please have a slice of virtual cake on me! It's fat-free, calorie-free, sugar-free, guilt-free, so go right ahead and indulge!
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