Friday, May 31, 2024

The Girl Who Received the Purse I Made

If you recall, I mentioned that Sew Powerful was doing a fundraiser for 20 people (which they opened it up to some more and had 39 total people participate) to have the purse that they made to be hand delivered to one of the girls in Zambia and that we would get a photo taken of the girl who received our purse. The team just got back from the trip, so we will be receiving a photo in the mail in a couple of weeks, but we were also emailed the photo so we could see it now.

This is the girl who received the purse I made. I was thrilled to see a girl with a purse that I made and this was the next best thing to going to Zambia and giving some purses to girls myself. A few of the others have posted the photos of the girls holding their purses on the Sew Powerful Facebook page too. I hope the rest of them share their photos too. 

When you sew for charity, rarely do you ever get any feedback from the recipient. I have never seen a photo or heard anything from the person who received the item (a quilt or purse) that I have made. I certainly don't expect to see or hear anything, but it would be awesome just to know what that person thought. Those volunteers who hand out such items hear so many wonderful things, but those words never get back to the maker. So to finally make a connection and see the girl who got one of my purses means so much to me! I am sure that she wonders about me who made the purse as well?

I do know her first name, but will not share it here. I will think of her and all her classmates now and in the future as I continue to sew purses to donate to this wonderful charity that helps keep the girls in school all month, every month to better themselves with an education. There are millions of girls each year waiting for a purse, won't you help by sewing some purses or making a donation to Sew Powerful to help fill the purses with the needed hygiene supplies? 

Zambian girl who received the purse that I made

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  1. wow what a wonderful photo. i know so many girls are grateful to you. the picture really is inspiring. you are amazing, thank you for the good work you do.

  2. That is so awesome! Nothing is more motivating.


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