Thursday, May 30, 2024

Sew Powerful Purses #63-79 (17 more purses)

I have lots of purse kits cut out ready to sew when I want to sew. Over the Memorial Day weekend I finished up these purses, most were in reds or reds and blues, so perfect color choice for the holiday. 

The purses with the red, white and blue plaid print has a bit of a waffle texture like a kitchen towel, so those purses made really sturdy purses. That fabric was a donation fabric, in fact most of the fabrics I used in these purses were donated, except for a few of the scraps.

Flap lining with label I add to all the purses I make.

button closeup
I don't know why some of the photos get out of order when I add them to my blog posts😕. This is a closeup of the translucent button for the purse that is below the next purse below. Just too much work to have to delete and add photos again in the proper order 😜I love how you can see the star print through this button.

This is purse with the translucent button I showed a closeup of 2 photos above.

I had some small cowboy/Southwest panels on a large fabric, so I cut out this hat and made the flap.

back side of purse
Another photo out of order 😛! Two photos below shows the purse front. I wanted to show the back pocket I added to this purse and some of the others I did add a pocket as well, if I had enough fabric to do so.

flap lining
The flap lining belonging to the purse below.

This was another small panel from that fabric cut the cowboy/cowgirl hat out of. There are a few different horses on that fabric of panels and some hats, boots, bison, cattle too. I don't I will use the horses on more purses, but probably not the bison or cattle or even the cowboy on a horse, as those aren't very girly looking.

back of purse
I didn't have any more fabric for a back pocket so I added a blue fabric instead. The front of the purse is below.

I tried using scraps to make a wonky star and this was the best one I made, but still not great. After adding fabrics around it though it turned out to be a nice purse flap.

back of purse and back of heart notecard
The back side of the the purse below and the back side of the fabric heart notecard that I have enclosed in the purse. I made hundreds of these notecards last year and just finished the remaining ones I had. Those were a lot of work to make, so rethinking how or if I will make more notecards. Other people make just notecards, so might have them make the notecards when I use up the rest of the paper cards I am stamping now. That stamping was supposed to save me time, but that seems to take even more time than sewing!😄

This is the front of the purse and notecard from above photo.

back of purse
Back of purse with added pocket. Front is below.

Here is the front side of the purse.

This flap was made with the leftover scraps I had after making a custom tote last year.
I have more purses I finished that I will share soon. Plus, I am sewing more too. Until next time...

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