Before this pandemic hit us, I was commissioned to make an exercise bag for a knitting friend of mine. She wanted webbing handles and made in a sturdy material to carry her weights in. So I designed this bag and made it out of denim and ticking. I added webbing carry handles and added pockets (even though she said she didn't them) and I riveted triangle rings on the sides and made an adjustable strap that can be clipped onto the sides and worn across the body or on the shoulder.
She was happy with it and glad I was able to get it to her when I did because the Virus hit the next month. I don't know how much use she got out if it yet, but at least she has this bag when she needs it and can use it for other things too.
I added Red Kam snaps along the top so she cam close the bag if she wants to.
The lining ticking fabric is sturdy like the denim is.
A slip pocket in between the straps is a handy place to put her keys and ID. I added rivets in the webbing. I only had enough webbing in red for the carry handles, so I used a natural webbing for the strap connectors.
The side connectors are triangle rings that in riveted in place
and added a red ribbon for a pop of color down the center. The strap is made from both denim and ticking and the swivel hook can be removed if the long strap isn't needed.
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looks really good and functional. i love all the extras you added to make it strong. great job and good choice of sturdy fabric.