Wool pincushion I made from a wool sweater that I felted:

I followed (most) of the directions for the
Thread Catcher tutorial I found on
Sew Mama Sew. I made a wool pincushion instead of the patchwork pincushion she showed. I also needed something to weigh it down so it would stay put since I didn't fill my pincushion with something heavy, such as sand, rice, crushed walnut shells, etc. So I used a piece of tile (half a tile from when my husband tiled the entry) and covered the tile with polyester batting and then made a a fabric casing for the tile to fit into. I sewed the tool pocket to the bottom of the fabric covered tile.
The thread catcher is removable, as you can see, it just attaches with a button and a loop. Makes it easy to empty or to move elsewhere like when I am hand sewing.
I love the tool pocket on this thread catcher because I use it next to my sewing machine that fits into a table and so I couldn't use one of those tool pocket thingees that sit under the sewing machine, since my machine is flush with the table. On my other sewing machine I have a tool pocket thingee though...is there a proper name for those things?
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