Thursday, September 19, 2024

Japanese Rice Bag ( Komebukuro) with Kumihimo Cording

I wanted to make another Komebukuro, or Japanese Rice Bag, but try making a larger size this time. I had enough of both the outer fabric and the lining fabric to make the sides of the bag, so I chose another fabric for the bag bottom. You can use all one fabric for the outer (or lining), or each side could be a different fabric or a different quilt block or embroidery or appliqué. I might try making another bag using appliqué or pieced blocks for each side. That might be a fun way to make this bag unique and use up scraps and try new quilt blocks too.

You can make this bag in any size that you want. The exterior is made up of 5 square blocks and so is the lining. So choose what size you want to cut or what fabric that you have enough of that you can cut 5 squares (or 4 as I did with a different bottom). You don't want to go too small or too large, so I would say 6" cut squares as the smallest up to 10" squares as the largest size. I suppose you could go larger, but it might result in a more floppy bag if you go too large? Adding interfacing or stabilizer might make it harder to close the drawstring? I am not positive, so experiment with size and materials to see what you prefer.

My bag was cut with 9" squares and is a nice size. I used 1/4" seam allowance. The lining I quilted to batting using a walking foot in straight lines. I did add a woven fusible interfacing to the exterior fabric pieces too, so it wouldn't be too floppy. It stands up nicely and is not too floppy or too rigid, so I like this combination of this structure. 

I made the drawstring cording with another Japanese method, called Kumihimo, which is a braided cord using a round disk and string or yarn. I used 4 different colors and 2 types of ribbon yarn that I had already. I used vinyl pieces for the little loops that the cording passes through for the drawstring.

This Sewing Theme fabric is fun as each side looks a little different.

bag bottom
I used this red and white check fabric for the exterior bottom.

Inside bag
Another Sewing Theme print for the lining. This print was depicting cards of buttons and snaps from long ago. I quilted the lining in straight lines.

drawstring closed on bag
Here is the bag closed with the drawstrings

Inside bag
Another lining view.

Inside bag
View inside the bag from the top. Pretty roomy bag.

Top view of bag drawstring closed
Top view of bag drawstring closed.

Another side of bag
Another side of the exterior.

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