Saturday, August 24, 2024

Sew Powerful Purses #160-161 (2024)

Two purses made with scraps of batik fabrics; one is all scrappy, not just the flap. I love using my scraps to make the flaps of these Sew Powerful Purses that I donate. I even made the second purse completely scrappy, not just the flap, but the front and back too. I may do that again, since I have enough scraps and every time I use some fabric scraps, new scraps are added to the scrap bags, so there is always a plentiful supply of scraps coming in and even though I use up scraps of fabric, it doesn't show in the amount of scraps that keep getting added to the scrap bags.😜

This purse I used a batik for the body that you see peeking out at the bottom here. I took more photos, but they turned out too out of focus, so I just have this photo. Only the flap on this one is scrappy.

This purse is completely scrappy on the exterior, except I use one fabric for the gusset. 

flap up shows the front of purse is also scrappy batik fabrics
The front of the purse is made from scrappy batik fabrics.

side view of one purse
Side view shows the gusset fabric, which is the same fabric I used for the exterior body of the first purse that only has a scrappy flap.

back of purse with scrappy batik fabric pocket
The back is scrappy and so is the back pocket. The pocket is quilted because this piece was something I pieced and quilted years ago to make into a zipper pouch and never did, so it now is a pocket instead. That worked out well to use that little quilted piece as a pocket. 

What do you think of the all scrappy made purse? Love it? Or is it just a bit too much scrappy? I will post this on the Sew Powerful Purse Project Facebook page and see if they like all scrappy or just flap scrappy. Either way it is scrappy happy, or happy scrappy 😁.

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  1. 10 points for scrappy, they go with everything and are very vibrant and fun.

  2. I am sure the recipient will not care if it is all scrappy, just makes it stand out more:) I really can't believe you are not sick of making these purses yet!!!

  3. Absolutely gorgeous! This scrappy beauty will go with anything.

  4. I always love seeing your creativity with these purses, Daryl! Great job! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings. Have a great week.


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