Wednesday, August 14, 2024

How to Fix Blogger So Your Comments Come Into Your Email if you Moderate the Comments

Hello fellow Bloggers. Blogger is always changing and updating stuff without telling anyone and somethings may just be a glitch and go back to "normal" again after those in charge do their changes and updates. For example, when I was posting photos I could make the photo larger by choosing the size and it would enlarge as I was writing the post when I clicked on it. Then suddenly it wouldn't allow you to enlarge the photo that way. I knew there might be a way around it, so I backed out of the post I was creating and came back in and tried to make the photo larger by clicking on the size I wanted and it worked, but that was several more steps to make and if that was the "new and improved" update, well I didn't like it and I know others didn't either. Still every time I would post I would try it the old way in case they realized it wasn't a good idea and changed it back or people complained or whatever it may have been, and then one day it was back to the way it way, whew!

Another thing that had also changed was any comment people would make on my blog was not coming into my email inbox like it used to do. I wondered if no one made comments anymore? So I went to look at the comments and sure enough there were comments waiting to be moderated (which I do because there is way too much SPAM otherwise). When I checked to approve the comment then it came into my inbox so I could email a reply to the person who made the comment, unless they were a "no-reply" which just means that person never added an email to their account and saved it so that bloggers could email them back. It is called no-reply I suppose because if you make a comment you will not receive a reply back as there is no email in which to reply back to. So you can change that in your settings on Blogger or add your email address in the comment each time that you make a comment on any blog, to make sure that you receive a reply back, especially if you are asking a question. The blogger isn't necessarily being rude by not answering you back, it's they cannot because you didn't leave an email. Some bloggers answer or comment back to you on their blog under the comment you made, but really how many people go back to a blog after making a comment to read the response, especially if it could take a few days for the blogger to read and write a comment back to you? And if you read several blog and make comments, you won't even remember which blog to go back to. So include your email if you aren't certain whether you are a no-reply or not.

Okay, now on to how to fix your blog to allow comment to arrive into your email inbox if like me you moderate the comments. Go to SETTINGS on your blog and then to COMMENTS. You will see this: "Email moderation requests to" and a blank space where you type in the email you want the comments to go to. That's it.

I knew there had to be a way to have this happen again. I suppose when Blogger gets updates, some things might revert back and you just need to find out if you need to do something on your end. Somethings just aren't automatic.

Happy Commenting & Blogging Everyone!

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  1. Mine was already set to email me the moderation comment and I still don't get all of them, in fact very few come to my email inbox. So frustrating!


Thank you so much for your comment. I appreciate every one. If you do not hear a reply back from me, it could be that you are a no-reply, or that Google/Blogger has changed something (again!) making it impossible to respond back to you. If you want a reply because you asked a question, please fill out the Contact Form located on the right side of the blog and I will respond to you that way. Thank you for stopping by! I was forced to add comment moderation due to huge number of SPAM!

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