Monday, July 22, 2024

Alaska Salmon Quilt (Something Smells Fishy Blog Hop)

Eww! Something sure smells fishy around here! Oh yeah, it's time for the Something Smells Fishy Blog Hop, hosted by Carol of Just Let me Quilt.

In 2016 when I was in Washington state to celebrate my mom's 90th birthday, my sister, my daughter, my nephew and I took the ferry across to Seattle. We went to Pike Place Market and then we walked to a quilt shop called, Undercover Quilts. Unfortunately that shop has since closed, but they have an Etsy Store by the same name, but they are on a break until sometime in August. Anyhow, while I was at the quilt shop I bought a couple of patterns and Salmon Boy  was one of the patterns I bought. I never made the quilt until now. Sometimes a blog hop can light fire under you to get you going to make or finish a project, so thanks Carol, I needed this blog hop to get this one made!😁😉

I bought the pattern only (not the laser cut), so it was a bit tedious to cut out the salmon, but not as bad as I thought, which was probably one reason I kept putting it off 😄!

All done now. I quilted the background, but only fused the salmon and the salmon eggs onto the quilt. I wasn't going to stitch around all those tiny areas!😜😬It's a wall hanging, so it won't get washed or used like a cuddle quilt would.

Quilt measures 16" high x 29" wide.

I chose to use a salmon color hand dyed fabric for the salmon. The pattern showed using a dark salmon. I quilted wavy lines to simulate water movement.

I cut this out by hand. I didn't do too shabby of a job.

And here is the tail end of the salmon, which means this is also the end of my blog post, 😄.

Check out the other FISHY 🐠🐟🎣 Blog Hop Participants:

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  1. Gorgeous wall hanging. The wavy quilting does remind one of water waves. I wouldn't have stitched around those small areas of the fish either.

  2. You did a great job cutting by hand! Your quilt is beautiful.

  3. You are so right that all we need sometimes is a fun blog hop to get our buns in gear to start or finish a project! The fabric color you chose is perfect for Mr. Salmon and what great precision usage of your scissors! Great work!

  4. Not too smelly. great idea and a great job cutting it out..

  5. Oh my goodness your salmon is beautiful. I love those patterns and have a few in my stash here. I really should get them out and work on them. Stitching all those little eggs would have driven anyone crazy. LOL!!

  6. Beautiful quilt, so glad you were inspired to finish this! I still have fabric and I think a quilt pattern from when we took a cruise in Alaska many years ago!

  7. All that tedious cutting was worth it. It's gorgeous! I don't mind stitching around tiny pieces, but even those would have been an extreme challenge for me. Thanks for tossing that fish into this challenge, it!

  8. Great wallhanging to remember your trip by! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Congratulations on finishing your salmon! From what I can see, you did a fantastic job with cutting it out! Thanks for sharing!

  10. What an awesome wall hanging! Hand cutting that would be so much work. I'm glad you hung in there and finished it. It's beautiful!

  11. Great finish! I always enjoyed the salmon run when I lined in NW Montana. The male salmon were the same color as your fabric.

  12. So much detail in the cutting. Great job! Glad you finished it.

  13. Oh my that is tedious cutting. Well worth the effort tho, it is a wonderful mini.

  14. So pretty! Looks laser cut to me great job!

  15. I love this! I have several salmon patterns from Alaska shops and each one is neat. Thanks for sharing yours.

  16. You did a great job, especially the hand cutting. So, with a pattern named Salmon Boy -- does that mean the male salmons create the eggs? I think I might be checking Wikipedia about that some time in my future....


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