I made 10 patchwork wallets. I was hoping to sell them at a craft show. I sold zero. I have one of the blue wallets on consignment at a local store to see if it will sell. If it sells in 3 months I will be able to take in another wallet to sell. If they do not sell then I will be giving them away at my local groups. I need to get people to wear their name tags at our large group because new people join the group and we cannot remember their names, so in order to get them to wear their name tags, I will have a name tag drawing by choosing one name from those who are wearing their name tags and giving them a prize. To be eligible to win they must be wearing a name tag.
I will be selling a lot of stuff Saturday at the May neighborhood garage sale. What I don't sell I will take to my fiber art group and give away and the rest will go to the thrift store. Sometimes I wonder why I bother to make things when they end up at the thrift store. LOL!!!! I will keep trying to take in different kinds of things to the consignment shop to see if anything that I make will sell there. Because I have no idea what will sell there or if anything will sell at all? Time will tell.
10 patchwork wallets. Some in blues, browns and blacks. |
Inside one of the black wallets. |
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Your wallets are absolutely gorgeous!!!! What is wrong with people that they didn't eat them up at the craft show....can you list them here or in your Zibbett store? The shop where you have one on consignment....is that their policy to allow you only ONE? One looks lonely (or more like...poor me...I am the only one and nobody loves me)......a group attracts attention...just curious!
ReplyDeleteYour wallets are amazing. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteYou will never understand people or be able to anticipate what they will buy. In the 80's, I used to sell at Christmas shows and made about $5000 for the season. That lasted a few years then the bottom fell out of the economy. Marketing can certainly be the hardest side of selling. Here's hoping things break open for you.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear you didn't sell any of your beautiful wallets. They are really pretty made up in patchwork. After making so many of these myself I know how much time and effort you've put into each one. What can I say, some people have no taste. My daughter has finished making 40 of these for the craft fair so it will be interesting to see how she does. Mine sell really well. I mostly sell my crafts by word of mouth and now have a small collection of regular customers. Most of them live far away. Just this morning I had a lady that traveled two hours just to come and collect her order. I wish you the best of luck. If all else fails you are welcome to come here and sell them. I'll keep the spare room ready LOLL
ReplyDeleteI agree also you should put more at the consignment shop unless they charge on how many you have there a cute little basket filled with them and one wallet open would really grab attention. Your wallets look amazing, I am sorry to hear they are not selling.
ReplyDeleteAnd I just checked you Zibbet, they aren't there add them!
DeleteHi, Daryl. Your wallets are really beautiful and should sell really well. I know with the economy the way it is right now, it is hard to sell things. I was selling my items at three craft stores, but all of them have closed down. So I gave away a lot of stuff, too. Lynn is right. You need to display more than one wallet if they will let you. They will sell a lot better. Place them in a pretty basket to get every one's attention. I wish you all the luck.
ReplyDeleteThere are GORGEOUS Daryl! You should have an Etsy store! :) Don't give up......the first time I went to a craft show to try and sell my handcrafted teddy bears, I sold NONE....but I went on to sell hundreds of them online....you just have to find the right venue, be it online or not, some things sell well in some places where others do not...
ReplyDeleteThat's what I was going to say....it's just about persevering and finding the right venue. Your work is beautiful. Don't give up...
DeleteDaryl, all of your handcrafted things are beautiful. I don't know why people don't buy the things you make. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
ReplyDeleteTour wallets are justo stunning!!
ReplyDeleteYour wallets are stunning. They are very artsy and one of a kind. Perhaps you are not hitting the right market and should be trying boutique shops.
ReplyDeleteThe lack of sales is not a reflection on YOU or your Sewing! If only we all had the "Pet Rock" stardom of sales. All of the items you create are wonderful. I adore my blue wallet you made. Thank you again. I learned years ago that "I" am the worst at selling my own things I create. If only there were an affordable sales/marketing program for we little people. Even etsy did not work for me. Blessings Dear...
ReplyDeleteThat's crazy Daryl!!! I can't imagine why they are not selling! I have one that I carry a lot, and everytime I pull it out people exclaim over it and want to know if I could make them one. Of course, they only want to pay a few bucks :( I'm learning that no one really wants to pay what our quilts and other crafts are worth.
ReplyDeleteWhat a shame to give them away. But if you are, I'll take one. They are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteYour wallets are unique and well made. I don't understand why people aren't willing to pay for a well made and a one of a kind wallet. Definitely do not give up because all your work is amazing and one of a kind!!
Maybe try an area where there are a lot of tourists--like a consignment shop in that area or something. You need an area that attracts folks with high-end tastes. It could be that your clientele is halfway across the country or something and you just haven't found them yet. I'm with the others--keep on trying.
ReplyDeleteI understand how you feel. I would love to have more word-of-mouth orders. This weekend I was at a convention and took my newest bag (which I love, and which was perfect for that environment). I thought maybe someone would see it and notice it and perhaps comment. I received only one comment, and it was from a lady in the vendor hall who said, "Excuse me, but your bag is so big I can't get through!" I had to laugh after that. I can't base the rest of public opinion on that!!! My family quickly assured me that there were other people out there who could appreciate it.
Anyway.....ask around...scope around for festivals and good, juried craft fairs. Even if you had to pay more for a booth, but still sold some and got your name out there, it still might be worth it.
Keep us posted! Many of us are in the same situation. :)
I love your wallets! I love the patchwork! Daryl, I think people do not know how to value handmade things, people want to pay less for things made in china but they have to learn to appreciate things handmade. We, who know the time and the passion with which we do our creations, we know, the great value they have and that each piece is unique in the world. Do not get discouraged and move on, at some point everything will improve and sales begin. Your work is always amazing!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love these and think they're beautiful. I agree with the many other posters above who are encouraging you to keep trying other venues until you find the perfect one!