Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Stay at Home Round Robin 2025 (SAHRR) Round 3: Stars

This is the 3rd prompt for the SAHRR, which was given by Gail of Quilting Gail and the prompt is Stars. 

I like all kinds of star quilt blocks, but I chose to make this star and sew them only to the two sides. I really love this star, which has a few names, so not sure what name I should call it? 

closeup of stars
Closeup of a couple of the stars.

I am really loving making this so far and it's my first round robin! 3 more prompts to go until the quilt is done...well unitl the top is done as who knows how long it will take me to quilt it? 

Click on the logo to be taken to Gail's Blog.
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  1. Those star blocks are very pretty. They remind me of modern design. I'm adding mine to the top and lower rows of my quilt.

  2. Those are a neat star design, and pretty colors, too! Great progress this week!

  3. You are doing great with your SAHRR, Daryl! I love it. I really like your star blocks! We're so happy you are joining us this year!

  4. I think Wendy calls them wonky stars. They look great in your SAHRR.

  5. This is turning out so beautifully! I love all the different elements you have included in this piece, Daryl! Happy Stitching from me.

  6. I don't know what those stars are called, but they are lovely!

  7. I really like your star blocks!!! They are perfect for your quilt! Thanks for Linking to Round #3 SAHRR'25!

  8. I call those spinning stars, but they do look a little like the wonky stars I like to make. Anyway, I love how your quilt is progressing! So glad you joined in with us this. year!


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