Saturday, February 8, 2025

Sew Powerful Purses #14-16 (2025)

My friend, Susan, gave me a book several years ago for my birthday, called Folded Log Cabin Quilts by Sarah Kaufman. Susan lives in Oregon and the author was a local author who signed the book too. I thought there were many lovely folded log cabin quilts shown in the book and I especially liked the interesting ways that Sarah, the author, hung the quilts. 

I made 3 folded log cabin quilt blocks out of some scraps I had, but didn't really have any idea what I would do with the blocks. I thought about a few pot holders or a runner, but just put them away until an idea might come to me. I was looking through a box of UFO quilt blocks and orphan blocks recently and came across these blocks. Since I sew purses to donate to Sew Powerful (for girls in Zambia to hold their monthly hygiene items the girls are also given), I thought why not make 3 purses out of these blocks and use them for a good cause, so that's what I did.

I placed them on point and sewed scraps of denim, canvas or or other material around the log cabins. They were quite thick when I topstitched, but I was able to topstitch most of it easily, except in a couple of really thick spots, which was very thick. I am happy I was able to at last put these blocks to good use.

3 purses made with Folded Log Cabin quilt block technique.

flaps up
The plaid is a sturdy fabric for the purses.

backs with pockets
I added back pockets to all.

I haven't been able to do much sewing lately due to tripping and falling onto a speed bump 2 weeks ago. Luckily nothing broke or was dislocated, but my poor knees still took quite a beating, especially my right knee. I have been resting a lot. I did finish sewing these purses in a couple of days, but I must have sewn too long as the next day my right knee was swollen again and really hurt, so no more sewing for a while again. I was even using my left foot to sew most of the time so I didn't think I was bothering the right knee, but apparently I was.🙁Best to let my knee heal and not sew for now. The knee brace is helping a lot now that I have it. Meanwhile, the ideas for purse flaps and quilts are filling up in my head, so I hope I heal completely soon!!!😉
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  1. These are so sweet and a great way to use up those leftover strips of fabric.

  2. love this block I'm not familiar with a "folded log cabin block" i love the way it looks and everything is way to tiny for me to sew. I'm sorry about your knee sending you lots of healing energy. keep the knee elevated and rest my friend.

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your fall. I hope you are feeling better!


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