Thursday, February 13, 2025

Stay at Home Round Robin (SAHRR) 2025 Round 4

Wendy of Pieceful Thoughts gave us the prompt for this week which is a "Sliced Square with Insert, for lack of a better name". The interpretation for this block is whatever you want to do. I had always wanted to try and make a block where you slice into it wherever you want to and add a strip of fabric. Some quilts with this method are called, Pick Up Sticks (or Stix), Sticks and Stones or other names.

For my blocks, I added 2-3 slices of 1-inch wide cut fabric inserts to each of the 14 blocks that I made. You can use any width of strips you want to add or even a mixture of various widths too. On some blocks I stitched scraps together to create a scrappy insert. The first slice was easy to do. The slices that cut across the first slice was a bit tricker to align the strip so it didn't look wonky. I did pretty well with it and only had to rip out 2 to redo because they were a bit too wonky. While these are not perfect, they look good overall and you really have to look closely to see a few lines that are just sightly off. I am glad I finally tried this method and the blocks do give a fun and playful feel to the quilt. I wouldn't do an entire quilt like this, but using them as an inner or outer border or along with another block is a fun option for certain quilts. I think it might be easier to just appliqué the strips in place or use ribbon instead of fabric strips, which is an idea for achieving a similar look like this again in something else.

closeup of sliced blocks
Closeup of a few of the sliced blocks I made.

quilt top so far with round 4 added
So far I am loving how this quilt top is evolving.

Click to go to Gail's Blog for all the info and schedule for SAHRR 2025

Two more rounds left until this quilt top is done. Curious what the next 2 prompts will be? Me too!
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  1. Hi Daryl, your SAHRR quilt top is looking so fun and playful!

  2. Oh, what a happy border! It ties in so well!

  3. Love your colorful improv blocks, Daryl!! Your SAHRR is looking great.

  4. I love your cheerful slashed squares. These are wonderful blocks :)

  5. Your quilt is so bright and happy, love it!

  6. Your blocks remind me of pixie stix, remember those from childhood?

  7. Oooh so pretty! I think this is my favorite of all the round robins so far!! xx

  8. so adorable, i love how you did the borders how do you think of these things, its so coordinated and yet very exciting and unique. of course i love the theme


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