Friday, February 7, 2025

Seaweed Knit Scarf (2)

This is one of my favorite scarves to knit and to wear. It's a free pattern called, Seaweed Scarf (or stole). It is not only an easy to knit scarf, but it's also a quick pattern to memorize as you knit each of the 4 rows. 

I have been trying to use up some miscellaneous yarns I have on hand when I am am knitting things now. I wasn't sure if the 5 different yarns that I used in this scarf would run out as I knit or not? Well I made it rather long and I still ended up with some leftover yarn. Normally you would choose one yarn in the yarn weight indicated on the pattern and knit this, whether you chose a variegated yarn or solid color, but I wanted to use up yarn and I chose 5 different yarns and changed the yarns as I knit back and forth. I had one worsted weight gray yarn with silver metallic thread running through the yarn and that yarn was knit singly on one row, then I switched to two thinner yarns held together and knit a row of that and then another 2 thinner yarns held together and knit a row of that. So I had 3 rows of different yarns that I alternated between to create this scarf. I used 3 solid yarns in total and 2 variegated yarns, which as you can see changed the coloring as I knit. 

The scarf is very thick and warm. Hard to get a good photo of it as I don't have a model and it's long and wide, so I took a few photos, which don't really do it justice as in is prettier in person.

This chevron knit scarf is not only fun to knit, but practical to wear and pretty too!

close up of knit stitches
Can you see the bits of silver metallic thread in the gray yarn?

stretched out long
Stretched out long.

closer look
I love how the ends of the scarf have a wavy curve.

Happy Knitting!
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  1. What a beautiful scarf. I like the movement of your knitted pattern, colors and yarn. Gorgeous. You did a fantastic job.

  2. That's really pretty! It looks similar to a crochet pattern that I like a lot called Fin and Feathers, I think.

  3. this is one of my favorite knitting patterns, great job


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