Saturday, January 18, 2025

Sew Powerful Purses #10-12 (2025)

Using up a couple of miscellaneous quilt blocks, plus a painted fabric with an appliqué.

3 different purse flaps
I found the quilt block on the left and on the right and made them into purse flaps. The star on the right I had to add some strips to make it the flap size needed. The center flap is another painted texture background with a Hawaiian butterfly flower appliqué in the corner using an upcycled rainbow knit tank top.

flaps up
Center is an upcycled denim jeans purse body.

purse backs
Back of purses.
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  1. love the purse made out of mini blocks on point and i also like the Hawaiian influenced purse. great job as always

  2. As many purses as you have made, it surprises me that you have any leftover blocks or trims left in your stash!


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