Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Dust Cover for Iron

Last month in December, I made a dust cover for my iron. No, I am not talking about golf irons, in case any golfers are reading this. This cover is for my iron to press fabric and clothing with. 

For some reason, my iron gets dusty very easily. Maybe it's because it is mostly metal and more noticeable? Or because of where it sits? I have no idea? I never had dust appear so frequently with other irons before, or at least it wasn't as noticeable. Anyhow, I decided I needed to keep a cover on it, especially when it was not being used, so to keep the dust from accumulating so quickly. So a dust cover was made using this pretty sewing theme fabric print. I didn't have a pattern, so I designed this myself to fit my medium size iron.

Here is the top view. I added a handle to the top for easily taking the cover off and putting it back on later.

Side view. The bottom all around in the dark pink is the binding.

The back side view.

It is helping to keep the dust down and it looks pretty too, so a win-win for me! 😁

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  1. great job, these cases are so handy and fun, it looks like a delicious slice of cake.

  2. Neat idea. The fabric really makes the cover sing.

  3. Cool idea, Daryl. It looks really pretty over you iron. Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!


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