Monday, January 13, 2025

I am joining in on the Stay at Home Round Robin 2025

I decided today after reading about the SAHRR, that I would dive in and see what happens. I first read about this round robin years ago from Brenda of Songbird Designs. If you want to know about this or join in click this link from Brenda's blog.

I chose to use one of the Cozy Afternoon quilt blocks I made back in 2015! I made the blocks, but they have sat since then, so it was time to do something with them, or at least one of them. I thought any of these blocks would be great to use for the center block. I hope to keep up and get inspired as what to do for each round. Plus, I am not always so great at the math part of figuring out what might fit in terms of sizes of blocks or units to sew so they fit around a block! I may need to shout out to someone with better match skills to help me later😜.

Here is the center block that I chose to use~
,teacup quilt block
This block 3 from Cozy Afternoon, designed by Jacqueline Steves.

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  1. I love your centre block. I live on tea!

  2. Oh, I LOVE your centre block!! It's so pretty!! Thanks for linking to the SAHRR Centre Block!!

  3. Love your center block. I have been thinking about joining but I, too, am not good at the quilty math. Good luck with it.

  4. I love your center block, Daryl, and I'm so glad you are joining in the fun!!

  5. What an awesome fussy cut center block!

  6. That's a perfect center block for the SAHRR! Will be fun to see your quilt grow! Glad you are stitching along with us this year!

  7. That is a nice center block. You'll do great with SAHRR, I have no doubt. I'm joining for the first time myself. Designing is not my area of expertise so I'll be putting out a cry for help...I'm sure.


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