Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Collection Jar of Teddy Bears & Piggies Too Quilt

I made this quilt for my daughter when she was a teenager. Now that she is 30(!!!) she no longer wanted this quilt. She loved Teddy Bears and Piggies as a child. She still likes pigs, especially piglets. So when I saw Val's linky archive about animal quilts, I remembered I just took a photo of this quilt as a memory. Since this was made long before I started blogging, I thought I would share this quilt with you now.
I used fabrics that had Teddy Bears, except I had to throw in one with pigs, since my daughter loves pigs too. I added small Bear Paw quilt blocks in the corners.
Here is the pig fabric. So cute!
Looks like the "Where's Waldo" of Teddy Bears.  (Since this was photographed on the rocks, the top of the jar didn't lay flat)
Be sure and check out the other animal quilts over at Val's Quilting Studio too.

****Update 3/21/14: My quilt here was highlighted over at Val's blog:
Val's Quilting Studio

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  1. Very sweet the fabric prints!

  2. Really cute quilt. I'm sure your daughter loved it. I always like teddy bears too.

  3. Really cute! Love the pigs. Can't help but smile when you look at those faces. Funny how kids grow up so fast. My oldest daughter will be 37 in a few days and the other will be 35 in June. Doesn't seem possible.

  4. OMG! this is such a fun and cute quilt and I love how each jar is individual. Too cute.

  5. What a great idea for a quilt. I will remember this idea to use for a child quilt. I wonder what my grandchildren will do with quilts I make them when they're 30? I love making ones for them so I don't care as long as they've loved it and used it sometime in their lives.

  6. Such a sweet quilt you stitched for your daughter. Love the fabrics you put into jars. Creative Quilting Bliss...

  7. I that Val is doing this, what a cute quilt. She must have loved it a lot. You keep it because as soon as it us gone she will want it back. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Oh how darn cute!!!! The jars just make it this quilt so very unique. I am curious, where is the quilt now??? I love that this quilt is now part of you blog archives!!! Also, don't know if I thank ya for adding my linky button to your linky page...but THANK YOU!!!

    1. Stop by and grab a: I WAS HIGHLIGHTED your quilt was the oldest quilt created in a new post! (Or something like that...LOL)

  9. It's adorable and what a wonderful memory. It's good you took a photo of it. Maybe your daughter could use it as a wall hanging in her daughters bedroom if she has a daughter that is.

  10. Sweet Memories. I had only seen this quilt with insects. This is really cute. Thanks for sharing


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