Thursday, January 31, 2013

Dare to Dresden Blog Hop

Another blog hop from the creative mind of Madame Samm of Sew We Quilt and cheerleader Christine from Quilt Monster in My Closet.

Dresden Plate blocks can have pointed tips, rounded scalloped tips or be straight.  I made pointed and straight ones.

From the Red, White & blue blog hop. I made this Dresden Plate block.
I just finished the above block by making it into this mug rug.
This is actually a variation of the Dresden Plate which is called Grandmother's Fan. It's a quarter of a Dresden Plate. I arranged this quilt in the Mohawk Trail setting. This is an old quilt I made before I was married when I was in college. I had an art class and we needed to make a final project that we had all school year to work on so it had to be something that took time to complete. I chose to make a quilt. It was made all by hand. I traced around each wedge using a cardboard template that I made. The rotary cutter and ruler had not even been invented yet! I made each block and quilted it and then put them all together, so it was a quilt-as-you-go quilt. I took this quilt with me everywhere to work on it in order to get it done by the end of the semester. I wish I had a photo of when I first made this quilt. This photo was taken last year.
Christmas tree skirt I made for my daughter. It's a Dresden Plate with a large hole in the center.
I made this Dresden Plate block for the 2011 Sisters Quilt Block Challenge. The challenge was we were all given 5 fabrics and had to make one quilt block. We could embellish any way that we wanted to. I didn't win, but this block was won by one of the 5 winners and became part of the quilt they made.
I used rick-rack, a yo-yo with beads and embroidery stitches sewn by hand.
Close-up of beads.
 Close-up of center with yo-yo.
Another close-up

I designed and made this Dresden Turtle just for this blog hop.
I added a head, legs and tail to make the turtle and embroidered in blanket stitch by hand.

Center swirl of Dresden Turtle. Embroidered by hand.
I made this Dresden Plate pillow using several fabrics that were leftover from making the Twister quilt I made for my husband out of reproduction Civil War fabrics. I hand quilted the top of the pillow.
I had the quilted top part done for a while, but I just finished it into a pillow. Blog hops can get you going to finish things!
This is a block I didn't have time to finish. Not sure whether I want another pillow or a small quilt or?

January 31th, 2013

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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Knit Pillow

I started off knitting a boxy cropped jacket with this yarn and stitch, but then I wasn't sure if I would have enough yarn to finish making the jacket and I wasn't sure if I would even like the jacket either. So since I hadn't started any decreases yet, I decided to continue knitting until I had knit enough to make a pillow with a lapped back.
The outside lighting makes the color softer. It's really more of a dark burgundy shade.
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Friday, January 18, 2013

Dare to Dresden Blog Hop Coming Soon...

Here is the schedule for the next Fabulous Blog Hop from Madame Samm, along with chearleader Christine~

January 24th, 2013

January 25th, 2013

January 28th, 2013

Rosemary B @ “that Other Blog”

January 30th, 2013

Charlotte H @ “that Other Blog”

January 31th, 2013

Quilting Prolifically
                   Patchouli Moon Studio (this is me)

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Valentine Mug Rug

Next month my fiber arts group is swapping mug rugs. The theme is Valentine's Day, so I made this mug rug after I got inspired from this card that my bloggie friend Norma made and posted on her blog, Pink Bling Crafter. I love plays on words and this one was so cute that I knew it would make a cute quilted mug rug. I love hearts too!
 This is Norma's sweet card.
This is the mug rug that I made after being inspired by Norma's card. (I photographed this in the little dusting of snow we got.)
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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

In Your Words Blog Hop: My Day (Heart Quilt & Sunflower Garden Quilt)

I love words, or quotes on quilts, so when Madame Samm came up with this blog hop I knew I had to participate. The biggest problem for me was that I had way more ideas swimming around in my head than I had time to complete them.

Linda, the cheerleader for this blog hop told us the meaning of her name (which is from the Spanish and means pretty). The meaning of Daryl, which is my name is Old English, means beloved or dear. I don't know if there were many female Daryl's when I was born, but as the story goes, my dad wanted a different name for me if I was a girl. I had an older brother, so I wasn't named Daryl because my dad wanted a son, as he already had a son. I was the second born (I have a younger sister). So my mother decided on the name Daryl as (uh oh this will date me) the famous movie producer at the time was Darryl F. Zanuck, so she named me after him only she spelled my name with one "r' instead of 2. Okay now on to my quilts...

My first idea was to include as many of the 83 words (or phrases) I had written down that I could fit on the first quilt I made below. I could only fit in 65 words below onto the heart of the quilt. As I was making this quilt I thought of the caterpillar from the Disney animated movie Alice in Wonderland, when he asked Alice, "Who...are...YOU"? So I added those words to the quilt. The applique letters are from the Alphabet Quilt Pattern I designed and sell on Craftsy and here on my blog too. I also found an orange fabric in my stash that had printed words on it that were autumn words & phrases such as: cool, love, butterfly, leaves, crisp, fall day, believe, this will be a very good year, a beautiful season, courage, fall day, and I thought that fabric was perfect for the border, especially since I was born in the fall. I used a background fabric that has all sorts of tools for a person to create things, such as paint, pens, buttons, ribbons, scissors, spools of thread, so that was a perfect fabric choice for this little quilt too. I am pleased with the results.

I saw this somewhere too and it really describes me:
Being Creative
using my heart,
my hands,
my mind,
is an important
part of who I am.

I had also cut out a lot of applique letters in felt, but just didn't have time to use those for this blog hop. So hopefully I will be using those felted applique letters on one or more projects in the future.

I then made the second quilt (Garden Quilt) using a lot of fused applique shapes that I already had on hand (beginnings or leftovers from other projects) including the stamped words. My friend, Susan, had given me the 4 sunflower seed packet prints and the sunflower fabric for my birthday in November and I thought it was perfect for this quilt. After I quilted this quilt, I thought I would try Sharon Schamber's binding method to bind this quilt. I used bits of fusible web to fuse the binding pieces together instead of using spray starch as Sharon does in the video. I have chemical sensitives and that spray starch would have made me sick. I did follow the rest of her method and it worked well. Since this is a wall quilt, I won't be washing it, so the glue won't be washed out, although I may spray the binding area with water and see if I can get the glue to wash out somewhat. Since this was my first attempt at this method, my glue was thicker in some places and made it a bit harder to hand sew through. I guess I have mixed feeling about doing this binding method. I picked up some great tips from her video even if I never use glue on my binding again. Quilt.

 I added rick-rack around the heart and added French knots. I wrote 65 words inside the heart.

Border fabric with autumn words.

closeup of words written in the heart
Another section of the heart with words.

closeup of words too
Right upper side of the heart.

closeup of more words
More words.

more words closeup
Left side of the heart.

Garden Quilt. With a sunflower seed packet fabric in each corner.

Close-up of the flower garden.

"Who can be unhappy in a garden"?

Close-up of one of the sunflower fabric seed packet.

Close-up of one of the sunflower fabric seed packet.

I added rick-rack and French knots and a stacked button on each sunflower seed packet fabric.

Close-up of one of the sunflower fabric seed packet.

I later sold this quilt to a friend and she requested that I make the text easier to read, so I fixed it. I had used stamps on fabric and it hadn't stamped as nicely as I had liked, so I fixed it by outlining the lettering as you can see in the next 2 photos.

fixed the text for easier reading
Updated by outlining the lettering and coloring in the letters too.

closeup of fixed text
Updated the lettering by outlining the lettering and coloring in the letters for easier reading.

Today's Schedule~
Piece Peace (Patricia G.)
A Stitch in Time (Patty D.)
krislovesfabric (Kris T.)
Patchouli Moon Studio (Daryl P....that's me!)
The Slow Quilter (Felicia F.)

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